

I have been writing for mountaineering, tourism and nature magazines for more than twenty years and have written reports and features for them about subjects related to the environment, such as Parks, Nature Reserves, mountains and mountain ecosystems and wilderness areas, as well as about associations engaged in environmental protection activities and the promotion of an environmental culture. Working as a professional journalist I had several opportunities to travel and visit more than one hundred natural areas in Europe, North and South America, as well as East Africa. 

Golf has been un unexpected and happy expansion of my interests that allowed me to travel all over the world.

Yoga, Golf, Photography, scuba diving, mountaineering, hiking and trekking are my personal interests. Both in my business and leisure activities I consider direct experience to be of major importance. Yearning for discovery I repeatedly reached over 4,000 meter high mountain peaks and over 40 meter deep sea waters.

Worth to know

Degree in Modern Literature (Faculty of Arts) from the University of Turin. 

President of the cultural association: “Fiorenza Vallino for Research and Study of Natural Therapies”.

1987 – Beginning of my professional activity for the mountain magazine “Rivista della Montagna” with reports about ethnic minorities in the Italian Alps and their culture. 

1991- Several reports about mountaineering and hiking in Canada and in the United States, as well as reports on their National Park System’s management philosophy. 

1992/1993- Reports on the complex economic relationships within environmental management organizations in Kenya, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. 

1994/1997- Focus on non governmental organizations devoted to environmental protection and cultural promotion in Europe and Brazil, with special attention to organizations developing rescue projects for dying-out species. 

1998/2000 – Scientific consultant for the magazine Montagna Oggi, running the page “l’Immaginazione Produttiva” (Productive imagination). “Expert of matter” (journalism concerned in nature) at the Institute for Politics Studies, University of Turin.

2000 – Winner of the Slovenian Tourism Award as “Best tourism report” in ‘99 for “Autumn on mountain” published on The World of Golf in Italy. 

2002 – I work in the staff of The World of Golf and afterwards I direct the on line magazine Gaia Magazine. 

2003/2022 – I had an excellent collaboration with the magazine Golf and Tourism visiting the best golf courses in the world in Great Britain, America and Australia.

I wrote for following regional and national newspapers and magazines: 

AIRONE (nature monthly magazine) 

ALP (mountain monthly magazine) 

ANNA (women monthly magazine – Rizzoli Editor)

DONNA MODERNA, pages of tourism and environment (Mondadori Editor, women weekly magazine, circulation: up to 1.2 million copies) 

IL MONDO DEL GOLF (golf magazine, first golf magazine in Italy) 

ITINERARI in Piemonte (regional monthly magazine) 

GOLF & TURISMO (golf magazine, official Italian partner of Golf Digest) 

L’INDIPENDENTE (national daily paper) 

L’INDIPENDENTE Magazine (national weekly magazine) 

L’UNITÀ (national daily paper) 

IL GIORNALE di Montanelli (national daily paper) 

LA GAZZETTA del Piemonte (regional daily paper) 

LA STAMPA (national daily paper) 

LA VOCE (national daily paper) 

MONTAGNA (mountain monthly magazine) 

MONTAGNA OGGI (house organ of mountain municipalities and communities)

SCI (mountain monthly magazine) 

SCI DI FONDO (mountain monthly magazine) 

WEEKEND (tourism monthly magazine)